Swimming Performance Assessment
Level 1
Is there a problem?
The level 1 Swimming Performance Assessment is a FREE system of easy tests, which allows you to assess the physical capability of all your swimmers.
Importantly, the assessments and their interpretation will not detract from the time coaches spend poolside.
In fact, a central part of the idea behind the level 1 and level 2 assessments is that you encourage and empower your swimming parents to learn the assessments and relay the relevant information to the coach.
The level 1 Swimming Performance Assessment determines simply if there is a problem with a swimmer - or if they are simply 'goofing around'.
There is NO COST associated with level 1 training.
We also run seminars for professionals, who want to become swimming specialists and these courses enable them to respond to the referrals coming from you.
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Swimming Performance Assessment - Level 1
Swimming Performance Assessment
Level 2
What is the problem?
The level 2 Swimming Performance Assessment is a system of tests which builds on the level 1 assessment results
Again, assistant staff - or parents interested in helping the team - can easily be trained to identify any problem within the realms of 'coaching issues', 'conditioning issues', or 'medical issues'.
This will establish any needs for referral to the appropriate professionals either within the club or to trusted outside centers.
The below video contains clear illustrations of all the tests needed to make confident referrals for your swimmers.
It emphasizes proficient execution of the tests and establishes the 'language' which will become the basis for the performance improvement for the individual swimmer in your team.
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Swimming Performance Assessment
Level 3 and 4
What do we do now?
Professional seminars aimed at coaching and sports medicine professionals will be held at international venues to ensure the knowledge base is constantly updated and the sport benefits from cooperation between the people in the team and around the swimmer.
Watch this space for further information.
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